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Coface enregistre un profit en 2015

Le groupe a publié les résultats de ses activités pour l’année dernière. En 2015, Coface a dégagé un résultat net de 126 millions d’euros, contre 125 millions d’euros en 2014. Le chiffre d’affaires du groupe a quant à lui progressé de 3,4 % à périmètre et change courants (+ 1,2 % à périmètre et change constants) grâce à son activité sur les marchés des pays en développement.

Coface announced about the increase in net income in 2015

Coface published group results for 2015. Net income increased and reached €126M in 2015 (€125M in 2014). Growth in turnover: 3.4% at current scope and exchange rate (+1.2% at constant scope and exchange rates) supported by emerging markets. The Group’s loss ratio net of reinsurance has stabilized over the last six months, at 52.5%. Coface is prepared for Solvency II, which came into force on 1 January 2016. The ratio of capital required to cover subscribed risks stands at 147%, a level in line with Coface’s risk appetite and dividend pay-out policy of 60% of net income. On the basis of its net income per share, stable at €0.80, the Group will thus propose a dividend of €0.48 per share. Xavier Durand was appointed as CEO of Coface on February 9th 2016.

Coface Group, a worldwide leader in credit insurance, offers companies around the globe solutions to protect them against the risk of financial default of their clients locally and worldwide.

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