В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Invitation to the webinar: «Set-up of Business in Russia: Top Milestones»
Вебинар Бесплатное
04.02.2020 17:00 - 18:30

February 04, 2020

5.00 pm — 6.30 pm
(Moscow Time)


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

ALRUD Law Firm is honored to invite you to our webinar dedicated to the highlights of the Russian corporate, labour and migration legislation regulating business set-up in Russia.

Set-Up Of Business In Russia: Top Milestones

During the webinar ALRUD Law Firm experts will speak about different issues arising when setting up a business in Russia. The aim of the webinar is to discover top milestones of bringing your business to Russia and to make formal legal requirements transparent from the first steps to starting active operation. The webinar will cover the following topics:

1. Setting up a business: key aspects to bear in mind:

  • Forms of presence in Russia: main differences, pros and cons of each form;
  • Regulatory milestones: from finding an office space to opening of bank accounts and filing first reports;
  • Managing person issue: key aspects of labour, employment, compliance and immigration.

2. Bringing business to operation:

  • Regulatory and finance compliance: charter capital, health and safety, capital infusion, licensing;
  • HR issues and labour compliance: employment contracts, internal policies, data processing, protection and transfer;
  • Main compliance matters after set up of business.

The webinar will be useful for everyone who is looking into setting up a business in Russia or already has a business in Russia and is responsible for regulatory and legal compliance.

It will be a pleasure for us if you join to our webinar!

Ius Laboris members and other law firms, please feel free to forward the invitation to your clients and prospects.

Language: English

Application: Click here to register your interest. Participation is free of charge.

Registration Deadline: February 03, 2020

Contacts: Should you have any questions regarding your participation in the seminar, please contact our marketing team
T: + 7 495 234 96 92 / +7 495 926 16 48
E: event@alrud.com

ALRUD Law Firm

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